Indian False Vampire Bat Feeding on Myotis
Operations guide : mouse control , point and click shooting the vampire bat .
" But I haven 't seen it !" The little vampire bat said .
If it works , doctors might have found an unlikely friend – the vampire bat .
Suddenly , a little vampire bat flew from outside of the woods , with fresh blood full of his mouth .
When a vampire bat latches onto , say , a steer , it needs to keep the blood flowing from the puncture made by its teeth .
The Scare Factor : If Dracula had a real-life incarnation other than Vlad Tepes , he 'd be a vampire bat .
The Care Factor : Because blood is surprisingly scarce as a food source , vampire bat mothers have to make up for it by regurgitating congealed blood for their hungry , helpless pups . This goes on for several months , until the pups become old enough to hunt on their own .
Wizard , Vampire , Zombie , Bat * all kinds of ghosts and phantom will swarm into the party .